Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here goes!

Hello all,

Couldn't update the blog yesterday as Bigpond decided not to co-operate! So here it goes today. Well as promised I am about to share will you my stats - i.e. weight & measurements. This is a pretty big deal for me, and I have been having second thoughts about this, but to those who have sent me kind messages of support, you have encouraged me to be strong and to do it! So thank you - very much!
So this is me:

Weight: 150kgs - this is exact, and a little less than I expected it to be.

Waist: 155cm

Chest: 134cm

Leg (top): 80cm
Goals from here:
It's quite a simple goal - to lose 5kgs by the end of January.
I will re-assess my goals then!

And here are my (terribly embarrassing) photos - taken 1/1/09

The above photo shows my casual belt - only just meets up - this will be a good measure to see if i'm losing weight.
Well i'm off to do some exercise now! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. i can just imagine how hard posting this must have been for you, and look at what you have achieved in just a few days. In my eyes you have not only exposed your deepest fear but felt the fear and did it anyway, Im truly inspired by you Pete ...... Well Done Buddy!!!... Keep up the good work.
